Emir Han Hotel

Hotel Emir Khan is the best choice for visitors who would like to feel magnificence, tranquility and grace, as well as a convenient location for exploring the city, both with the ancient part and with the modern one.

Price: from 73 USD
  • Обслуживание номеров 24 часа
  • Номер для некурящих
  • Ресторан
  • Бар
  • Бассейн
  • Прачечная
  • Гостиничный сейф
  • Автостоянка
  • Поднос багажа
  • Лифт
  • Трансфер
Choose a hotel:

The Emir Han Hotel is the right choice for visitors seeking a mixture of charm, tranquility and grace. This is a comfortable hotel located directly on the Silk Road site, which perfectly connected Samarkand and Bukhara. Friendly and professional staff offer attentive, personalized service and are always ready to provide any assistance to guests. The hotel is located on five floors with an elevator. On the ground floor, in addition to the reception, there is a comfortable lounge where you can sit and have tea or just read. There is also a magnificent courtyard where you can relax and immerse yourself in the morning in the atmosphere of the daily life of Samarkand. The rooms are located on the first, second and third floors. On the top floor there is also a delightful terrace available for guests with a beautiful view. The pool, located in a quiet, secluded place, is available to guests from May to October, offering a relaxing and invigorating vacation. Breakfast is served in the restaurant, the large windows of which are fully open in the warm season, allowing you to experience the aromas of a flowering garden.

Other hotels
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Price: from 44 USD
DiliMah Premium Luxury
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Price: from 55 USD

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